昨天晚上才剛下過一陣雪,把前幾天剛融化的道路又鋪上一層雪白,成功的刷新記錄。今年正式成為Ann Arbor這個城市歷史上下了最多雪的冬天。到目前為止,若把每次下雪的雪量累積起來,這個冬天已經下了90吋的雪,大約是兩百三十公分的雪。
今天我們家屋外的景象(華氏24度約攝氏-5度) |
屋頂上的雪化了又積上了好幾次; 融化的雪水沿著屋簷向下,結成牙尖齒利的冰柱; 推雪車清理停車場時,每次都把雪往兩邊堆放,形成了兩座小山丘,一次又一次,結果停車場越來越小,小雪丘越長越高。白色的雪毯在草地上覆蓋已久,白天開車得要帶上墨鏡才行,雪地亮得讓人晃眼。好多從來沒看過的白色美景,也是這個冬天才開了眼界。冰凍的芝加哥和密西根湖、被雪淹沒的路邊腳踏車和車子...
還記得第一年剛到Ann Arbor的時候,還是溫暖的八月。我和傳哲到大馬路旁的公車站等車,旁邊一個也在等車的中年男子,慵懶的躺在車站旁邊狹小到不行的草地上曬太陽,彷彿他面向的是多美麗的海灘,享受多了不起的陽光。當時我在心裡偷笑,困惑的想「我是聽說過美國人愛曬太陽沒錯,但這只是個車水馬龍的路邊啊!」現在回想起來,才真能體會他的心情,這麼珍貴的太陽,這麼寶貴的綠色小草坪,夏日裡的每一天都該奢侈的享受才是。
雖然屋外的白雪還沒有要融化的意思,但我也要正式迎接春天了。春天,和基督的復活一樣,太值得令人期待。這個嚴酷的冬天竟讓我有所感觸,更能體會C. S. Lewis在「獅子、女巫、魔衣櫥」的場景設定,以及海貍先生說的
"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.”我很喜歡的兩位歌手Ingrid Michaelson和Sara Bareilles幾年前合作了一首歌 "Winter Song"
Winter Song//Ingrid Michaelson&Sara Bareilles
The storm is coming soon
it rolls in from the sea
My words will be your light
to carry you to me
Is love alive?
Is love
They say that thing just can't grow
beneath the winter snow
or so I have been told
They say were buried far,
just like a distant star
I simply cannot hold.
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love a live?
This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong,
cause you're not where you belong;
inside my arms.
bum bum bum bum bum bum
bum bum bum bum bum bum
I still believe in summer days.
The seasons always change
and life will find a way.
I'll be your harvester of light
and send it out tonight
so we can start again.
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong,
cause you re not where you belong;
inside my arms.
This is my winter song to you.
The storm is coming soon
it rolls in from the sea.
My love a beacon in the light
My words will be your light
to carry you to me.
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?